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January 2018 Meeting Minutes

LCRMEA Minutes

January 12th, 2017 - 6:00pm

Cathedral Tapatia, 707 SE 164th Ave, Vancouver, WA 98684

Minutes by Bryn Scamahorn for Kareah Nicosen

Meeting Called to Order at 6:23 PM

Board member introductions

President- Mark Claassen

Vice President- Rebecca Weidenaar

Treasurer- Kimberly Claassen

Secretary- Kareah Nicosen

September Meeting Minutes

Approval of the Minutes: Phillip Scamahorn motioned to approve the Fall Minutes as they were written. The motion was seconded by Rebecca Weidenaar. Motion carried.

Treasures Report

Kimberly Claassen- LCRMEA Treasurer-

  • In the fall, the motion was carried to move the registration deadline to the last week before winter break. The results of the motion are as follows:

  • In January of 2016, the LCRMEA bank account had 1286.37

  • In January of 2017, the LCRMEA bank account has 5925.58

  • This puts us in a very good position to be able to host festivals without bouncing checks to judges.

  • Hosts with questions about the money side of hosting a festival should schedule a meeting with Kim Claassen as soon as they are able.

New Business- LCRMEA

Advisory positions

Elementary Chair- Bryn Scamahorn

Band Chair- Sam Ormson

Orchestra – Liz O’Mara

Choir Chair- We are in need of a choir chair. Please contact Mark Claassen for information about the requirements of the position, or if you are interested.

Payment for LCMREA Solo and Ensemble Scheduling:

We do not have a set monetary amount to pay scheduler for Solo and Ensemble festivals, nor is it standardized as to job description. Joel Karn, Jean Kent, Rebecca Weidenaar, Bryn Scamahorn, and Phillip Scamahorn have volunteered to be on a committee to research and develop this. Information will be presented to LCRMEA at the Spring Meeting.

Calendar Information-

2/16-19/17 All-Northwest NAfME Conference

2/25/17 HS Instrumental S/E: UHS, Mark Claassen, Host

3/4/17 HS Vocal S/E: Evergreen HS, Mike Day, Host

3/11/17 MS S/E: Convington MS, Jean Kent, Host

3/14/17 MS Band Festival: Ridgefield HS, Charlie Greggerson, Host

3/16/17 MS Choir Festival: Ridgefield HS, Stephanie Bloom, Katie Hebner, Host

3/17/17 HS Choir Festival: UHS, Mikkel Iverson, Host

3/21/17 HS Orchestra Festival: Skyview HS, Sarah O’Mara, Host

3/23/17 MS Orchestra Festival: Heritage HS, Glenn Wilcott, Host

3/25/17 Elementary Youth Honor Choir: Washougal HS, Carinn Ormson, Host

3/29-30/17 HS Band Festival: Evergreen HS, Brent Johnson, Host

3/18/17 Spring LCRMEA Meeting, TBA

Host Meeting- by appointment with Kim Claassen

Solo and Ensemble-

  • Establish committee has been established to decide on payment schedule/amounts for hosting and scheduling solo ensembles.

  • Registration opened for all HS & MS Solo and Ensemble on 1/4/17

  • Registration closes at midnight

  • HS Instrumental S&E – Friday 2/3/17

  • HS Choral – Friday 2/10/17

  • MS Instrumental & Choral – Friday 2/17/17

  • Please pay invoice asap after registration closes

  • Please include invoice with payment –invoice must be printed by director online. When there is no invoice included, it is near impossible for the group to account for each and every payment.

  • Please check that you have all students fully registered- No incomplete entries before you submit. When you have incomplete entries, they do not show up in our registration program.

Information from WMEA

2017 All-Northwest Conference:

Headliners: Band – Paula Crider

Choir – Eph Ely

Orchestra – Jeremy Woolstenhulme

Elementary - John Feierabend

Session Proposal Process & Audition Tapes: for 2018 All State Conference-New Date: April 15, 2017- online You will be notified by WMEA by the end of the school year, 2017.

LCRMEA Goals and Direction

Honor Groups:

It was motioned by Bryn Scamahorn and seconded by Chelsea Blackburn to have the Honor Groups treated as a festival (i.e. festival packet must be filled out, host honorarium etc.), and that there should be a host stipend. There was then discussion about what the host stipend should be. An amendment to the motion was given by Jean Kent that the honor groups should be treated as a festival and that the host stipend should be $300. However, as with all honorariums, should the festival go over budget, the excess money needed to bring the festival into a zero balance will be taken out of the host stipend. The motion carried.

The conversation was started about adding middle school and choral honor groups to the LCMREA festival line up. Joel Karn and Chelsea Blackburn will do research and get a general membership gauge regarding reception of the idea.

7:02 PM: Meeting adjourned.

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