October 2017 Meeting Minutes
LCRMEA Meeting Agenda October 4th 2017 6:00pm food – 6:30pm meeting Cathedral Tapatia- Mexican Restaurant
6:30pm- Welcome Board member introductions
Mark Claassen: President
Kim Claassen: Treasurer
Kareah Nicoson: Secretary
Rebecca Weidenaar: Vice President
New Introductions New Band directors at Wy’East Middle School. Welcome Sarah and Katie! Regional News/Announcements- News from your programs
2018 WMEA performances
Cascade Middle School Choir
Mountain View High School Choir
Union High School Chamber Orchestra
Music For All performances
Evergreen High School Band
Mountain View High School Chamber Strings,
Union percussion playing there too
May meeting minutes are approved!
Treasures Report – Kimberly Claassen Kim Financial report
We have $3000 in our account and we are able to pay for in-service this year
Festival registration deadline is December
However, PLEASE register early because the budget changes every year- it is based on the registrations that are received
Early registration= more $$$
Kim has registration information if you need it (also check on the website!)
Festival costs- please make sure you are aware of all costs, we don’t want any additional ‘surprise’ bills to pay
Mark: Working operating expenses into festivals. Should we increase the school participation fee so we have money for in-services and other costs?
What do we want LCRMEA to provide?
Provide services for teacher and student growth OR do we just want to run festivals?
WE need to be more than a festival organization- everyone agrees
Mark reviews operating expenses (see October agenda)
Total expenses for the year=$2,636.00,
Last year we were short $1,586.00 (We are currently waiting for festival registrations to come in to make this up)
***Proposal for next year: we increase the school participation fee? Jean- what do other areas do? Danielle- Alternating in-services each year? Bryn- one year we use a local volunteer, the next year we pay someone for our in-services We need a decision. Our committee to figure this out. We will need to know this by next year so we know what to expect. *Mark will email
Kim Claassen
Carinn Ormson
Phil Scamahorn
Festival coordinators- PLEASE save $130.00 so we can have a full $500.00 per area fir in-services next year. *Mark will email
New Business- LCRMEA Advisory positions are the same but choir is now Bethany Schweitzer
Duties: Plan in-services and help with honor groups
Calendar is all same (see October meeting agenda)
Middle school choir festival needs a site and date
IF you need help/info on hosting a festival? Contact Kim for a meeting
We have a new website. Thank you Bethany!
In-service on October 13th 9am-4pm
Orchestra and band at Union
Elementary at Harmony
Choir at Mountain View
Clock hours provided through WMEA for in-services
Bryn Scamahorn will set this up
Solo Ensemble NEW RATES!
$12.50 for solo
$25 for small ensemble
$5 per person for large ensemble
WMEA Info All-State Audition Applications are due OCT 10th
Utilize YME funds if your student needs financial help
NAFME login is different! (See Meeting Agenda)
NEW teachers check out the connection website- wmea.org.
Send names of new teachers in the area to Mark Claassen
WIAA rule changes
Choral divisions by voice, not gender
Mariachi now a category
IF ADDED after deadline, you will not eligible for state
Associate school memberships- all state application fees are waved
YMEA/Music matters license plates… get one! DO the Music matters grant!!
They are expecting to have more money to give out this year
7:00pm Dismissed to break out areas. Meet for topics under agenda breakouts