May Meeting Minutes
LCRMEA Meeting Minutes
May 16, 2018
6:00pm food, 6:30pm meeting
Cathedral Tapatia- Mexican Restaurant
6:30pm- Welcome and introductions
New Members- Introduce new members to the group
Regional News/Announcements
Tim H: Skyview Jazz festival for HS and MS 1st weekend in December
Mega-band is happening for Vancouver SD and Evergreen SD in the Starlight parade!
Job Needs
Washougal HS choir interviewed yesterday
Ann: (Mostly) full time band job in Vancouver SD
Jan. Meeting Minutes approved
Treasures Report
Kimberly Claassen- LCRMEA Treasurer: We have plenty of money for fall in-service!
End of year financials
Outstanding payments- Kim will email out a list to programs who still need to pay
Recap important business from the year
Committee met and their recommendation to the board was:
School Participation Fee for MS & HS will be raised to $70 (per school)
Elementary honor choir will budget $500 to pay for October in-service
Solo Ensemble Fees
Solo $12.50, Small Ensemble $25 (not $5)+$5 for every student, Large Ensemble $5 a student
$300 for judges (increased this year) *host packet need to be updated*
New Business- LCRMEA
Our New Board Members
President: Brynn Scamahorn
Vice President: Rebecca Weidenaar
Treasurer: Katie Matsuura will co-run with Kim
Secretary: Carmen Everingham
October In-service
You have $500 to pay each clinician for 3-5 hours of time
You will also have to find location
Area chairs to organize in-service in each area Oct. 12th in-service:
Elementary: Bryn/Carinn: orff workshop “Amidons”
Choir: *Need to email out to find a chair*
Band: Tim Heichelheim
Orchestra: Ann Medellin
Calendar Information-
9/12/18 Fall Meeting: TBD
10/12/18 LCRMEA October Inservice: Place and time TBD
12/8/18 LCRMEA HS and MS Instrumental Honor Groups Concert -
1/9/19 Winter Meeting TBD *maybe 3rd Wednesday for Vancouver SD people?*
1/26/19 LCRMEA MS Honor Choir @ EHS, Kim Claassen - Host
2/15-2/17/19 NAfME All Northwest Conference @ Portland
2/22/19?? HS Regional Percussion Ensemble @ UHS, Tim and Adam-Host
2/23/19 HS Regional Instrumental S/E @ HHS, Phil, Jay, Glenn-Host, Mark will schedule
3/9/19 HS Vocal S/E @ Fort Vancouver, Bethany Schweitzer-Host
3/14/19 HS Choir I Festival @ Skyview HS, Phil-Host
3/19/19 HS Orchestra Festival @ Skyview, Sarah Omara-Host
3/23/19 Elementary Youth Honor Choir @ Heritage HS, Bryn Scamahorn (Host) Amy Ballard? (Carinn will contact)
3/27/19 MS Orchestra Festival @ HHS, Glenn Wilcott-Host
3/27-3/28 HS Band Festival @ EHS, Brent Johnson-Host
4/16/19 Young Choir Festival @ TBD, Margaret-Green Host. Needs a place (Bethany is looking into Fort)
5/4/19 MS S/E @ Covington, Katie or Bruce-Host (who is go to person?), who schedules?
5/9/19 Spring LCRMEA Meeting: TBD
TBD MS Band Festival @ TBD, Host TBD
TBD Ms Choir Festival @TBD, Ben Bouton Host
TBD HS Honor Choir @ TBD, Host TBD
Information from WMEA
New All-State audition material is now available at
Solo and Ensemble Info
HS Instrumental Solo & Ensemble Festival
Will be hosted @ HHS by Jay, Phil, and Glenn
Splitting off HS Percussion ensembles
Move to Friday, 2/22/19. About 4 hours (5-9ish?)
Still be hosted by UHS with the newest gear
Alleviate scheduling pressure; perc. has most kids in it that might play other instruments, thus making scheduling challenging with 15 minute timeslot
15 minute time slots, maybe longer?
Alleviate congestion with people in hallways and moving gear at HHS
Allow teachers to see more groups
Honor Groups Info: 1 host per group with own budget
HS Instrumental Honor Groups:
Chair: Band- Mark Claassen, Orchestra – TBD?
10/24/18 HS Instrumental Honor Groups Audition
11/14/18 HS Honor Groups Read-Through rehearsal
11/28/18 HS Honor Groups Sectionals rehearsal
12/5/18 HS Honor Groups Rehearsal 7-9p
12/6/18 HS Honor Groups Rehearsal 6-9p
12/7/18 HS Honor Groups Rehearsal ALL SCHOOL DAY
12/8/18 Hs Honor Groups Dress rehearsal and Concert
MS Honor Band
Chair: Chelsea Blackburn
Friday day or evening rehearsal?
Saturday rehearsal and concert with HS
MS Honor Orchestra Dates
Chair: Carmen
Should try to keep same dates as HS
Does HS honor orchestra and MS orchestra have concert earlier at MVHS or have a different concert venue?
Choice 1 – 4:30 Honor Orchestra concert, 7:00pm Honor Bands concert @ MVHS
Choice 2 – two separate concert venues with staggered, or the same times as the Honor Bands concert?
MS Honor Choir Dates
Chair: Kim Claassen
1/23 evening rehearsal, 1/26 concert
TALK OF Middle School groups on same concert as High School groups???
Other questions?
Jean: questions on Opus (scheduling software) send to Bruce